Lance Keller, President of Keller Corporation of Charlotte has been a professional Home Inspector in the Charlotte area since 1995. He has conducted thousands of home inspections throughout North and South Carolina.

A Charlotte native, Lance has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  Practicing as a Home Inspector prior to state licensing in 1996, he was among the first 500 inspectors to be licensed in the state of North Carolina. He is also licensed in South Carolina by the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission.

His experience and understanding of construction and mechanical systems offers peace of mind to his clients. Additionally, his commitment to thoroughness and detail, along with his ability to communicate his findings, provides his clients with a better evaluation of their property. 

He is an associate member of the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association (CRRA) and has a Supra Key.

Keller Corp is also a NACA approved vendor and Lance Keller is a NACA preferred inspector.

Along with being a legally licensed business, "KellerCorp" is also fully insured.

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